Praying for peace in Palestine

Praying for peace in Palestine

Praying for peace in Palestine


The Catholic Church in Egypt, led by Patriarch Bishop Ibrahim Ishaq, Patriarch of Alexandria for the Coptic Catholics and Chairman of the Council of Patriarchs and Bishops in Egypt, is following the development of painful events and the increasing violence in the Holy Land.

The Catholic Church said: From this standpoint, we respond to the call of Pope Francis, which he announced today, to make Friday, October 27, a day devoted to fasting, prayer, and repentance.

Pope Francis, Pope of the Vatican, had stated that war does not solve any problem: it only sows death and destruction, increases hatred, multiplies revenge, and war erases the future.

During his meeting with members of the Catholic Church in the Vatican, he asked them to devote next Friday to praying for peace, calling on everyone from various Christian denominations, those belonging to other religions and those who carry in their hearts the cause of peace in the world to join in the way they see fit.

  Next Friday, at six o'clock in the evening in St. Peter's Basilica, we will live an hour of prayer in the spirit

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