Promoting the national economy

Promoting the national economy

Promoting the national economy


A number of petroleum and mineral resources experts discussed with a large group of university professors, heads of companies operating in the mining sector, and public figures the challenges facing the mineral resources sector in Egypt, and they agreed that the sector is capable of advancing the country if it is managed optimally.

They pointed out during the symposium hosted by the Egyptian Society of Engineers and organized by the Arab Society of Petroleum and Mining under the title “Mineral Wealth in Egypt” in the presence of Engineer Osama Kamal, President of the Egyptian Society of Engineers and former Minister of Petroleum, Engineer Abdullah Ghorab, President of the Arab Society of Mining and Petroleum and former Minister of Petroleum, and Engineer Farouk Al-Hakim, Secretary-General. To the Egyptian Society of Engineers, Dr. Mortada Al-Aref, President of the Egyptian Iron Company for Mines and Quarries, Dr. Al-Sayyid Abdel Rasoul, Professor at the Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Dr. Ahmed Aziz, former President of Sohag University, Major General Ahmed Ibrahim, former Governor of Aswan, and Major General Mustafa Hadhoud, former Governor of Beheira, to the fact that Egypt is rich in... With large reserves of minerals, it must play a role in various development plans and programmes.

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