The Ministers: Fifth generation network technology is expected to contribute about $13.1 trillion to global economic output

The Ministers: Fifth generation network technology is expected to contribute about $13.1 trillion to global economic output

The Ministers: Fifth generation network technology is expected to contribute about $13.1 trillion to global economic output


The Information and Decision Support Center of the Council of Ministers issued an analysis in which it discussed fifth generation network technology, indicating that the first thing that comes to the mind of many when talking about fifth generation networks is high Internet speed, fast downloads, and fast web page browsing, as speed is considered one and the same. Among the advantages provided by fifth generation network technology, fifth generation networks are characterized as the technology that will change the world; Because of its economic potential that will bring gains to the global economy, and despite its economic importance and the world’s orientation towards it, it has potential risks that could affect the long term, which must also be taken into consideration and avoided.

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